Sagittarius Zodiac Profile

November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius Sign Personality
IndependentYou are very independent and feel totally comfortable doing things by yourself.
RomanticYou are quite romantic.
DaringYou take risks without fear, and without much thought either.
LoyalSerious relationships and commitment is not your thing, because you value your freedom and like to keep your options open.
InconsistentYou get bored with things really easily and often find yourself not finishing what you started. Your interests are like crazy monkeys, jumping from here to there.
EmotionalYou are moderately emotional.
PossessiveYou give total freedom to your lover and almost never feel jealous.
StubbornYou are moderately stubborn.
These are very restless and energetic creatures. They love their freedom and wouldn't trade it for the world. Sagittarius is a type of person who will go through each day with a smile and would always be on the outlook for some new adventures.
These individuals are usually immensely optimistic and always look at the brighter side of every situation. Their cheerfulness and fun-loving nature usually gets them many friends. Although at times, they can throw a shoe at you and scream that you're an idiot, they will soon forget about it and forgive you for whatever sins you have committed. They always want to discover new things, and doing same thing over and over is really not their cup of tea. However, very often this love for change means that these individuals are quite inconsistent and have unstable interests. Optimism is one of their strengths, but if it is exaggerated, it will turn into weakness, and many Sagittarians out there have exactly this problem. With excess optimism they will often fail to notice obvious faults in some situations and people and will eventually cause themselves unnecessary trouble.
At work, Archers can be very ambitious. Their imaginative minds can help them a lot in finding creative solutions to problems. Although, they can be inconsistent, Sagittarians are reliable and can be trusted. Many of these people have very strong ideals about how things should be, and will stand strong for those beliefs. For the job, these folks will usually feel most comfortable with something that involves a regular change, and can keep their curiosity intact; they rarely enjoy jobs that involve routine and similar day-to-day tasks.
If we were to choose three words to describe people under this zodiac, they would be: free-spirited, fun-loving idealists.
Sagittarius Sex habits
Sagittarians are always ready for action. Sex is just part of their social life and many of these folks are quite promiscuous (there are of course exceptions, but they are exceptions). Sags always will want to try something new and going to extremes, like doing it in the back of a club or in a department store or even on a beach, is really in their blood. Some Archer people enjoy dirty talk, so learn some if you are with one. Emotions are usually not part of the business for a Sagittarius, and it's all just about physical pleasures. As a side note, Archer people usually make great one night stand partners.
Their favorite after-sex phrase is probably something like - “Don't call me - I'll call you.”