Rose Quartz Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone

Your marriage can have more sparkle and fire when you keep a rose quartz under your pillow. You will look younger too.
Rose quartz is known as the love stone. Rose quartz helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love.
Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. Rose quartz is also the stone of love in marriage.
When worn in jewelry the wearer feels a sense of self-worth. Rose Quartz has a gentle vibration of love for the owner. It gives inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love in all its forms. Rose Quartz opens the heart to love.
Healing properties of Rose Quartz
It is said washing the face in water charged by rose quartz will help fade wrinkles and keep the skin young.
Rose Quartz also helps as a rejuvenator to the skin. It is a lovely stone for a young person.