Winona name - Meaning of Winona

Winona name - Meaning of Winona

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
English, Native American, Sioux
wi-NON-ə (English)
Winona Meaning
Means "firstborn daughter" in the Dakota language. This was the name of the daughter of the Sioux Dakota chief Wapasha Iii. Winona originates in Dakota language and means "the oldest daughter". Traditionally, it was only given to the first-born child. It was popularized by the American actress Winona Ryder. It also refers to many place names in the United States.

Winona Related Names
Variants: Wenona, Wenonah, Wynona, Wynonna (English), Winnona, Winonah, Winonna, Wynnona

Winona Celebrities
Winona Baker - writer, Winona Flett - writer, Winona Ryder - actress, Winona Judd - singer,

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