Wilfred name - Meaning of Wilfred

Wilfred name - Meaning of Wilfred

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Wilfred Meaning
Means "desiring peace" from Old English wil "will, desire" and frið "peace". Saint Wilfrid was a 7th-century Anglo-Saxon bishop. The name was rarely used after the Norman conquest, but it was revived in the 19th century. Wilfred is an English name, derived from the Old English words "wil", which means "will or desire", and "fridu", which means "peace or safety". The names Walfrid and Wilfrith are both older forms of the name Wilfred.

Wilfred Related Names
Variant: Wilfrid
Diminutives: Wil, Wilf
Feminine Form: Wilfreda
Other Languages: Willifrid (Ancient Germanic), Wilfrið (Anglo-Saxon), Guifré (Catalan), Vilfred (Danish), Wilfried (German), Vilfredo (Italian), Wilfredo (Spanish)

Wilfred Celebrities
Wilfred Green - hockey player, Wilfred Bouma - soccer player, Wilfred Owen - author,

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Meaning of Wilfred Name

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