Vitus name - Meaning of Vitus

Vitus name - Meaning of Vitus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 1 Meaning
Ancient Roman, Latin
Vitus Meaning
Roman name which was derived from Latin vita "life". Saint Vitus was a child martyred in Sicily in the early 4th century. From an early date this name was confused with the Germanic name Wido. Vitus originates in Latin language and means "full of life". This was the name of a 3rd century Christian saint and martyr from Sicily, the patron saint of actors, dancers, comedians and epileptics. As a masculine given name it is rather rare in the United States.

Vitus Related Names
Feminine Form: Vita
Other Languages: Vid (Croatian), Vít (Czech), Veit (German), Vid, Vida (Hungarian), Vito (Italian), Wit (Polish), Vít (Slovak), Vid (Slovene), Vito (Spanish)

Vitus Celebrities
Vitus Bering - explorer,

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Meaning of Vitus Name

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