Vilppu name - Meaning of Vilppu

Vilppu name - Meaning of Vilppu

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
Finnish, Greek
Vilppu Meaning
Finnish variant form of Philip. Vilppu is a Finnish variant of Philip. Philip originates in Greek language and means "friend of horses". It has been one of the most popular masculine given names over centuries, and in different spellings all over the world. In the United States, its popularity has declined recently. A famous bearer was Alexander the Great"s father and a big lover of horses.

Vilppu Related Names
Variant: Filip
Other Languages: Philippos (Ancient Greek), Philip (Biblical), Philippos (Biblical Greek), Philippus (Biblical Latin), Filip (Bulgarian), Felip (Catalan), Filip (Croatian), Filip (Czech), Filip, Philip (Danish), Filip, Filippus, Flip, Philip (Dutch), Phil, Philip, Phillip, Pip (English), Philippe (French), Philipp (German), Filippos (Greek), Filip, Fülöp (Hungarian), Pilib (Irish), Filippo (Italian), Filips (Latvian), Pilypas (Lithuanian), Filip (Macedonian), Piripi (Maori), Filip, Philip (Norwegian), Filip (Polish), Felipinho, Filipe (Portuguese), Felipe (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Filip (Romanian), Filipp (Russian), Filib (Scottish), Filip (Serbian), Filip (Slovak), Filip (Slovene), Felipe (Spanish), Filip, Philip (Swedish), Pylyp (Ukrainian)

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Meaning of Vilppu Name

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