Tristan name - Meaning of Tristan

Tristan name - Meaning of Tristan

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
Welsh, English, French, Celtic Mythology, Gaelic
TRIS-tən (English) , trees-TAW N (French)
Tristan Meaning
Old French form of the Pictish name Drustan, a diminutive of Drust. The spelling was altered by association with Latin tristis "sad". In Celtic legend Tristan was sent to Ireland in order to fetch Isolde, who was to be the bride of King Mark of Cornwall. Instead, Tristan and Isolde end up falling in love. Their tragic story was very popular in the Middle Ages, and the name has occasionally been used since that time. Tristan originates in Old French language and means "filled with sadness". Tristan is a famous character from the Tristan and Isolde story. Tristan is supposed to pick Isolde in Ireland and bring her to Cornwall so she can marry King Mark. Instead, Tristan and Isolde fall in love which ends up in tragedy. The story has inspired many artists throughout history, including Richard Wagner and his opera Tristan and Isolde, as well as Kevin Reynolds and his 2006 film Tristan & Isolde.

Tristan Related Names
Variants: Drystan (Welsh), Tristen, Tristin, Triston (English), Tristram (English (British) ), Trystan
Feminine Form: Trista (English)
Other Languages: Drust, Drustan, Drest (Ancient Celtic), Tristão (Portuguese), Tristán (Spanish)

Tristan Celebrities
Tristan Davis - football player, Tristan Prettyman - musician, Tristan Tzara - author,

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Meaning of Tristan Name

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