Travis name - Meaning of Travis

Travis name - Meaning of Travis

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
English, French
Travis Meaning
From the English surname Travis (a variant of Travers). It was used in America in honour of William Travis (1809-1836), the commander of the Texan forces at the Battle of the Alamo. Travis is derived from Travers. Travers is an English name, derived from the word "traverser", which means "to cross". The name was given to toll collectors who used to stand by a bridge or crossing to collect toll.

Travis Celebrities
Travis Jackson - baseball player, Travis Barker - musician, Travis Bright - football player, Travis Best - basketball player, Travis Conway - football player, Travis Fisher - football player, Travis Harper - baseball player, Travis Bagent - arm wrestler,

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Meaning of Travis Name

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