Tracy name - Meaning of Tracy

Tracy name - Meaning of Tracy

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 22 Meaning
English, French
Tracy Meaning
From an English surname which was taken from a Norman French place name meaning "domain belonging to Thracius ". Charles Dickens used it for a male character in his novel 'The Pickwick Papers' (1837). It was later popularized as a feminine name by the main character Tracy Lord in the movie 'The Philadelphia Story' (1940). This name is also sometimes used as a diminutive of Theresa. Tracy originates in Norman French and means "from the place of Thracius". Initially, it was a Norman French surname, later on it started being used as a masculine name and today it is more popular as a feminine given name. It was popularized by Tracy Lord, a character in the 1940 film The Philadelphia Story. Tracy is also the name of many cities in the United States. Some sources suggest Tracy is a diminutive of Theresa.

Tracy Related Names
Variants: Teri, Terri, Terrie, Terry, Tess, Tessa, Tessie, Tracee, Tracey, Traci, Tracie, Traicey, Traisee, Traisy, Trasey
Diminutive: Trace
Feminine Forms: Tracee, Tracey, Traci, Tracie
Masculine Forms: Trace, Tracey
Other Languages: Terese (Basque), Tereza (Bulgarian), Terezija, Tena (Croatian), Tereza, Terezie (Czech), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Terese (Danish), Theresia, Tess, Thera, Trees (Dutch), Teresa (Finnish), Thérèse (French), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Theresia (German), Terézia, Teca, Teréz (Hungarian), Toiréasa, Treasa (Irish), Teresa (Italian), Therasia (Late Roman), Trees (Limburgish), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Terese (Norwegian), Teresa (Polish), Teresa, Teresinha, Terezinha (Portuguese), Tereza (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Tereza (Romanian), Terézia (Slovak), Terezija (Slovene), Teresa, Tere, Teresita (Spanish), Teresa, Teresia, Theresa, Therese, Theresia, Terese, Tessan (Swedish)

Tracy Celebrities
Tracy Dali - model, Tracy Nelson - actress, Tracy Pollan - actress, Tracy Trinita - actress,

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Meaning of Tracy Name

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