Tori name - Meaning of Tori

Tori name - Meaning of Tori

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
English, Latin
Tori Meaning
Diminutive of Victoria. Tori is a diminutive of the name Victoria. Victoria originates in Latin language and means "woman of victory". It is a feminine form of Victor. In Roman mythology, she was the goddess of victory, her equivalent in Greek mythology being Nike. Victoria was also the name of several Christian saints. In the English-speaking countries it was greatly popularized by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom in the 19th century and has been regularly used as a feminine given name ever since. In the United States it has always been one of the most popular names given to girls. One of the famous bearers of recent times is the British singer, fashion designer and wife of David Beckham, Victoria Beckham.

Tori Related Names
Variants: Toria, Tory, Vic, Vicki, Vickie, Vicky, Vikki, Torey, Torie, Torree, Torrey, Torri
Other Languages: Latoya (African American), Toya (American (Hispanic) ), Viktoriya (Bulgarian), Viktorija (Croatian), Viktorie (Czech), Viktoria (Danish), Victoire (French), Viktoria (German), Wikolia (Hawaiian), Viktória (Hungarian), Vittoria (Italian), Victoria (Late Roman), Viktorija (Lithuanian), Viktoria (Norwegian), Wiktoria (Polish), Vitória (Portuguese), Victoria (Romanian), Viktoriya (Russian), Viktória (Slovak), Viktorija (Slovene), Victoria (Spanish), Viktoria (Swedish), Viktoriya (Ukrainian)

Tori Celebrities
Tori Amos - musician, Tori Hall - beauty queen, Tori Praver - model, Tori Spelling - actress,

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Meaning of Tori Name

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