Tara name - Meaning of Tara

Tara name - Meaning of Tara

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
English, Indian, Hinduism, Gaelic
TAHR-ə, TER-ə, TAR-ə, TAHR-ə/TER-ə/TAR-ə
Tara Meaning
Anglicized form of the Irish place name Teamhair, which possibly means "elevated place" in Gaelic. This was the name of the sacred hill near Dublin where the Irish high kings resided. It was popularized as a given name by the novel 'Gone with the Wind' (1936) and the subsequent movie adaptation (1939), in which it is the name of the O'Hara plantation. Means "star" in Sanskrit. Tara is the name of a Hindu astral goddess, the wife of Brhaspati. She was abducted by Soma, a god of the moon, leading to a great war that was only ended when Brahma intervened and released her. This is also the name of a Buddhist deity (a female Buddha). Tara originates in Gaelic languages and means "hill, raised place". The Hill of Tara was the seat of Irish kings in neolithic times. It was popularized in Margaret Mitchell"s Gone with the Wind, and a subsequent film, where Tara was the name of the family plantation. In Sanskrit, Tara means "star". Some sources also suggest that Tara is a diminutive of Tamara.

Tara Related Names
Variants: Tarah, Tera, Terra
Diminutive Tarina, Tarra
Diminutive: Tarina

Tara Celebrities
Tara - actress, Tara Campbell - polo player, Tara Lipinski - figure skater, Tara McDonald - musician, Tara Oram - singer, Tara Reid - actress,

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Meaning of Tara Name

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