Shayla name - Meaning of Shayla

Shayla name - Meaning of Shayla

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
English, Gaelic
Shayla Meaning
Variant of Sheila, influenced by the spelling and sound of Kayla. Shayla originates in Gaelic languages and means "blinded". It is a variant of the name Sheila, probably affected by Kayla. Sheila is an Irish form of the name Cecilia and was the most popular in the 1940s. The word itself is a derogatory expression for a woman in Australian English slang. Cecilia originates in Latin language. Saint Cecilia was the patron saint of music. In English-speaking countries the name has been used since the 18th century. It was popularized by the song of the same name by Simon and Garfunkel.

Shayla Related Names
Variants: Sheelagh, Sheila, Shelagh, Shelia, Shyla, Shaela, Shaila, Shaylla, Sheyla
Other Languages: Caecilia (Ancient Roman), Cecilija, Cila (Croatian), Cecilie, Cecílie (Czech), Cecilie, Cille, Silje, Sille (Danish), Cécile, Cecilia, Cilla, Silke (Dutch), Cecilia, Silja (Finnish), Cécile (French), Cäcilia, Cäcilie, Caecilia, Cecilia, Silke, Zilla (German), Cecília, Cili (Hungarian), Sheila, Síle (Irish), Cecilia (Italian), Cecilie, Silje (Norwegian), Cecylia (Polish), Cecília (Portuguese), Tsetsiliya (Russian), Sìleas (Scottish), Cecília (Slovak), Cecilija, Cila, Cilka (Slovene), Cecilia (Spanish), Cecilia, Cilla (Swedish)

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Meaning of Shayla Name

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