Risto name - Meaning of Risto

Risto name - Meaning of Risto

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Finnish, Macedonian, Greek
Risto Meaning
Finnish and Macedonian short form of Christopher. Risto is a Finnish variant of Christopher. Christopher is an Old Greek name that is derived from the Greek word “kristos” which means leader. The addition of the “pher” at the end meant to bear or to follow. This is where the different meanings of the name came from, which is “bearing Christ” or “to follow the leader". The name is associated with Christians because for a long time after the death of Christ, Christians bore the name to signify that they were close to their leader, Christ.

Risto Related Names
Variant: Hristo (Macedonian)
Other Languages: Hristofor, Hristo (Bulgarian), Kristofor, Krsto (Croatian), Kryštof (Czech), Kristoffer, Christoffer, Kris (Danish), Christoffel (Dutch), Christopher, Chip, Chris, Kit, Kris, Kristopher, Topher (English), Christophe (French), Christoph (German), Kristóf (Hungarian), Christie, Christy (Irish), Cristoforo (Italian), Christophoros (Late Greek), Christophorus (Late Roman), Kristaps (Latvian), Kristupas (Lithuanian), Kristoffer, Christoffer (Norwegian), Krzysztof, Krzyś, Krzysiek (Polish), Cristóvão (Portuguese), Christie, Christy, Kester (Scottish), Krištof (Slovak), Krištof (Slovene), Cristóbal (Spanish), Kristoffer, Christoffer (Swedish)

Risto Celebrities
Risto Kaskilahti - actor, Risto Jarva - filmmaker,

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Meaning of Risto Name

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