Randy name - Meaning of Randy

Randy name - Meaning of Randy

4.2/5 out of 135 votes.
Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
English, Germanic
Randy Meaning
Diminutive of Randall, Randolf or Miranda. Randy is a diminutive of Randolph. Randolph is a Germanic name, derived from the words "rant", which means "shield", and "wulf", which means "wolf".

Randy Related Names
Variant: Randi
Other Languages: Randulf (Ancient Germanic), Randúlfr (Ancient Scandinavian), Randel (Medieval English), Ranulf, Ranulph (Scottish)

Randy Celebrities
Randy Johnson - baseball player, Randy White - football player, Randy Bass - baseball player, Randy Brooks - musician, Randy Burke - football player, Randy Dean - football player, Randy Harrison - actor,

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Meaning of Randy Name

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