Pauletta name - Meaning of Pauletta

Pauletta name - Meaning of Pauletta

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
English, Latin
Pauletta Meaning
Latinate feminine diminutive of Paul. Pauletta is a diminutive of Paula. Paula originates in Latin language and means "tiny, petite". It is a feminine form of Paul, ultimately derived from Paulus. In French it is used as a surname as well. It was also the name of a saint, Saint Paula was a follower of Saint Jerome.

Pauletta Related Names
Variant:, Paulette
Other Languages: Paula (Ancient Roman), Paula (Catalan), Paula, Pavica (Croatian), Pavla (Czech), Paula (Danish), Paula (Dutch), Paula (Finnish), Paule, Paulette (French), Paula (German), Paula (Hungarian), Pála (Icelandic), Paola (Italian), Paula (Norwegian), Paula (Polish), Paula (Portuguese), Paula (Romanian), Pavla (Slovene), Paola, Paula (Spanish), Paula (Swedish)

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Meaning of Pauletta Name

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