Odilia name - Meaning of Odilia

Odilia name - Meaning of Odilia

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Ancient Germanic
Odilia Meaning
Germanic name, possibly a feminine form of Odo (see Otto). Alternatively, it may derived from the Germanic element odal meaning "fatherland". Saint Odilia (or Odila) was an 8th-century nun who is considered the patron saint of Alsace. She was apparently born blind but gained sight when she was baptized.

Odilia Related Names
Variants: Auda, Odila
Masculine Forms: Audo, Odo, Otto
Other Languages: Odelia, Odetta, Ottoline (English), Odette, Odile (French), Oda, Odilie, Ottilie, Ute (German), Otylia (Polish), Odalis, Odalys (Spanish), Ottilia (Swedish)

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