Odessa name - Meaning of Odessa

Odessa name - Meaning of Odessa

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Various, Greek
Odessa Meaning
From the name of a Ukrainian city that sits on the north coast of the Black Sea. This name can also be used as a feminine form of Odysseus. Odessa most likely originates in Greek language and means "filled with wrath". It is a feminine form of Odysseus, the famous Greek king of Ithaca and the main character in Homer"s Iliad and Odyssey. Some sources also suggest the name Odessa can refer to a large city in Ukraine. It is also the name of several places in the United States, the most prominent probably being Odessa in Texas. As a feminine given name Odessa is rather rare in the United States.

Odessa Related Names
Variant:, Odessia, Odissa, Odyssa, Odysseia, Odyssia
Other Languages: Ulyssa (English)

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Meaning of Odessa Name

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