Nicolette name - Meaning of Nicolette

Nicolette name - Meaning of Nicolette

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
French, Greek
Nicolette Meaning
Diminutive of Nicole. Nicolette is a diminutive of Nicole. Nicole is a feminine form of Nicholas, originating in Greek language and meaning "people"s triumph, victory". It is mostly used in English and French, in English-speaking countries it has been used since the middle of the 20th century. It might be related to the Greek goddess of victory, Nike. It can be used as a surname as well.

Nicolette Related Names
Variants: Nicoline, Nikolette, Nicholette, Nicolett, Colette
Diminutives: Colette, Coline
Masculine Form: Nicolas
Other Languages: Nikole (Basque), Nikol (Bulgarian), Nika (Croatian), Nicol, Nicola, Nicole, Nikol, Nikola (Czech), Nicole, Nicolet, Klasina, Klazina, Nicoline (Dutch), Nicola, Nicole, Nichole, Nicky, Nikki, Nikkole, Nikole (English), Nichola (English (British) ), Nicola, Nicole, Nikola (German), Nikoleta (Greek), Nikolett (Hungarian), Nicoletta, Nicolina (Italian), Nikola (Polish), Nicoleta (Romanian), Nikola (Slovak), Nika (Slovene), Nicolasa (Spanish)

Nicolette Celebrities
Nicolette Collier - actress, Nicolette Sheridan - actress,

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Meaning of Nicolette Name

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