Nelinho name - Meaning of Nelinho

Nelinho name - Meaning of Nelinho

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Portuguese, Hebrew, Portuguese
Nelinho Meaning
Portuguese diminutive of Manuel. Nelinho is a diminutive of Manoel, itself a Portuguese variant of Emmanuel. Emmanuel is a variant of Emanuel, itself derived from the biblical Hebrew name "Imanuel", whose meaning is "God with us". In the Bible, "Imanuel" was one of the names given to Christ. It is a very popular name given to boys today.

Nelinho Related Names
Feminine Forms: Manuela, Nela, Nelinha, Manoela
Other Languages: Imanol (Basque), Emmanuel, Immanuel (Biblical), Emmanouel (Biblical Greek), Immanuel (Biblical Hebrew), Emmanuhel (Biblical Latin), Manel (Catalan), Emanuel (Croatian), Emanuel (Czech), Emanuel (Danish), Emmanuel, Manuel, Manny (English), Manu (Finnish), Emmanuel (French), Emanuel, Immanuel, Manuel (German), Emmanouil (Greek), Immanuel (Hebrew), Emánuel (Hungarian), Emanuele, Manuel, Manuele (Italian), Manouel, Manuel (Late Greek), Emanuel (Norwegian), Emanuel, Manuel (Romanian), Manuel, Manolo, Manu (Spanish), Emanuel (Swedish)

Nelinho Celebrities
Nelinho - footballer,

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Meaning of Nelinho Name

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