Nefertiti name - Meaning of Nefertiti

Nefertiti name - Meaning of Nefertiti

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
Ancient Egyptian
nef-ər-TEE-tee (English)
Nefertiti Meaning
Means "the beautiful one has come" in Egyptian. Nefertiti was a powerful Egyptian queen of the New Kingdom, one of the wives of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton. Nefertiti originates in Egyptian and it means "beauty has arrived". She was the Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten, the Egyptian Pharaoh and they are both well-known for their religious revolution, resulting in worshipping Aten, the sun disc, as the only god.

Nefertiti Related Names
Variants: Nefertity, Neffertity

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