Narcissus name - Meaning of Narcissus

Narcissus name - Meaning of Narcissus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
Greek Mythology (Latinized) , Late Roman, Biblical
nar-SIS-əs (English)
Narcissus Meaning
Latinized form of Greek Ναρκισσος (Narkissos) , possibly derived from ναρκη (narke) meaning "sleep, numbness". Narkissos was a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who stared at his own reflection for so long that he eventually died and was turned into the narcissus flower. This name appears briefly in the epistles in the New Testament and was also borne by a few early saints, including a 2nd-century patriarch of Jerusalem. It has been used to the present, especially in Catholic regions, usually in honour of the saint as opposed to the mythological character. Narcissus is derived from Greek and possibly means "numb and sleepy". Narcissus was a hunter in Greek mythology who was known for his beauty and was extremely proud of it. As a punishment for his pride, he was lured to a pool to see his own reflections. As he fell in love with it, he was not able to leave the pool and died. Later on, the term "narcissism or narcissistic" started to be used to express overt self-importance or vanity.

Narcissus Related Names
Variant: Narkissos (Greek Mythology)
Feminine Form: Narcissa (Late Roman)
Other Languages: Narcís (Catalan), Narcisse (French), Narciso (Italian), Narcyz (Polish), Narciso (Portuguese), Narciso (Spanish)

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Meaning of Narcissus Name

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