Narciso name - Meaning of Narciso

Narciso name - Meaning of Narciso

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek
nahr-CHEE-so (Italian) , nahr-THEE-so (Spanish) , nahr-SEE-so (Latin American Spanish)
Narciso Meaning
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Narcissus. Narciso is a Portuguese, Italian and Spanish variant of Narcissus. Narcissus is derived from Greek and possibly means "numb and sleepy". Narcissus was a hunter in Greek mythology who was known for his beauty and was extremely proud of it. As a punishment for his pride, he was lured to a pool to see his own reflections. As he fell in love with it, he was not able to leave the pool and died. Later on, the term "narcissism or narcissistic" started to be used to express overt self-importance or vanity.

Narciso Related Names
Feminine Forms: Narcisa (Italian), Narcisa (Spanish), Narcisa (Portuguese)
Other Languages: Narcissus (Biblical), Narcís (Catalan), Narcisse (French), Narcissus, Narkissos (Greek Mythology), Narcissus (Late Roman), Narcyz (Polish)

Narciso Celebrities
Narciso Elvira - baseball player,

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