Marius name - Meaning of Marius

Marius name - Meaning of Marius

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Ancient Roman, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, French, Romanian, Latin
MER-ee-əs (English) , MAR-ee-əs (English) , MAH-ree-uws (German)
Marius Meaning
Roman family name which was derived either from Mars, the name of the Roman god of War, or else from the Latin root mas, maris meaning "male". Gaius Marius was a famous Roman consul of the 2nd century Bc. Since the start of the Christian era, it has occasionally been used as a masculine form of Maria. Marius is derived from the Latin meaning "dedicated to Mars". Mars was the Roman god of war, known to the Greeks as god Ares. It is also the fourth planet in the solar system. Some sources also suggest that Marius comes from the Latin word for "male". It is a popular masculine given name in some European languages, in the United States its usage is rather rare.

Marius Related Names
Other Languages: Marijo, Mario (Croatian), Marios (Greek), Mario (Italian), Marijus (Lithuanian), Mariusz (Polish), Mário, Marinho (Portuguese), Mario (Spanish)

Marius Celebrities
Marius Goring - actor, Marius Russo - baseball player,

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Meaning of Marius Name

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