Mandy name - Meaning of Mandy

Mandy name - Meaning of Mandy

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
English, Latin
Mandy Meaning
Diminutive of Amanda. Mandy is a diminutive of Amanda. Amanda originates in Latin language and means "one who deserves to be loved". It is a feminine form of Amandus. In the United States it was the most popular in the middle of the 20th century. Colley Cibber used the name Amanda in his play Love"s Last Shift. Mandy was popularized by the 1974 Barry Manilow"s hit of the same name.

Mandy Related Names
Variants: Mandi, Mandie, Mandee
Other Languages: Amanda (Danish), Amanda (Dutch), Amanda (Finnish), Amandine (French), Amanda (German), Amanda (Italian), Amanda (Late Roman), Amanda (Norwegian), Amanda (Portuguese), Amanda (Spanish), Amanda (Swedish)

Mandy Celebrities
Mandy Bruno - actress, Mandy Moore - actress, musician,

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Meaning of Mandy Name

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