Lilith name - Meaning of Lilith

Lilith name - Meaning of Lilith

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
Near Eastern Mythology, Judeo-Christian Legend, Hebrew
LIL-ith (English)
Lilith Meaning
Derived from Akkadian lilitu meaning "of the night". This was the name of a demon in ancient Assyrian myths. In Jewish tradition she was Adam 's first wife, sent out of Eden and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. The offspring of Adam and Lilith were the evil spirits of the world. Lilith originates in Hebrew language and means "woman of the night". In Jewish mythology, Lilith was a female demon. Later on, she was considered Adam"s first wife. As a feminine given name Lilith has been fairly popular in the United States.

Lilith Related Names
Variant:, Lillith
Other Languages: Lilita (Latvian)

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Meaning of Lilith Name

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