Leonor name - Meaning of Leonor

Leonor name - Meaning of Leonor

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Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish
Leonor Meaning
Spanish and Portuguese form of Eleanor. It was brought to Spain in the 12th-century by Eleanor of England, who married king Alfonso Viii of Castile. Leonor is a Portuguese and Spanish variant of Eleonor. Eleanor most likely originates in Greek language and means "sympathy, compassion". Some sources also suggest a Latin origin and the meaning "one who heals". Eleanor was the name of several queens, as well as princesses. The most famous bearer in history was probably Eleanor of Aquitaine, the queen consort of France and England in the 12th century. More recently, the name was popularized by Eleanor Roosevelt, former First Lady of the United States.

Leonor Related Names
Other Languages: Eleonora (Croatian), Eleonora, Ellinor, Ella, Nora (Danish), Eleonora, Ellen, Noor, Noortje, Nora (Dutch), Eleanor, Elea, Eleanora, Eleanore, Elenora, Eleonor, Elinor, Ella, Elle, Ellie, Elly, Elnora, Leanora, Lenora, Lenore, Nell, Nelle, Nellie, Nelly, Nonie, Nora, Norah, Noreen, Norene (English), Eleonoora, Eleonora, Ella, Elli, Noora (Finnish), Eléonore (French), Eleonora, Eleonore, Leonore, Lore, Nora (German), Eleonóra, Nóra (Hungarian), Eleonora, Leonora, Lora, Lorita, Nora, Norina (Italian), Eleonora, Ellinor, Ella, Nora (Norwegian), Aliénor (Occitan), Eleonora (Polish), Eilionoir, Eilidh (Scottish), Eleonora, Ellinor, Ella, Nora (Swedish)

Leonor Celebrities
Leonor Beleza - politician, Leonor Fini - painter,

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Meaning of Leonor Name

Leonor name meaning. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Leonor.

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