Larissa name - Meaning of Larissa

Larissa name - Meaning of Larissa

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
English, Greek
Larissa Meaning
Variant of Larisa. It has been commonly used as an English given name only since the 20th century. In 1991 this name was given to one of the moons of Neptune, in honour of the mythological character. Larissa originates in Greek language and means "woman from citadel". In Greek mythology, Larissa was a nymph and the daughter of Pelasgus. It was also the name of a 4th century Christian martyr, Saint Larissa. Larissa is also the name of an important city in Greece. As a feminine given name it has been fairly popular in the United States.

Larissa Related Names
Variant:, Lara, Larisa, Larrissa, Larryssa, Laryssa
Diminutive: Lara
Other Languages: Larisa, Lara (Croatian), Lara (Dutch), Lara (French), Lara (German), Larisa (Greek Mythology), Lara (Hungarian), Lara (Italian), Larisa (Latvian), Lara (Portuguese), Larisa, Lara (Russian), Lara (Slovene), Lara (Spanish), Larisa, Larysa (Ukrainian)

Larissa Celebrities
Larissa Carvalho - tennis player, Larissa Lai - writer,

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Meaning of Larissa Name

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