Lakshmi name - Meaning of Lakshmi

Lakshmi name - Meaning of Lakshmi

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 1 Meaning
Indian, Hinduism, Sanskrit
Lakshmi Meaning
Means "sign, mark" in Sanskrit. This is the name of the Hindu goddess of prosperity, good luck, and beauty. She is the wife of Vishnu and her symbol is the lotus flower, with which she is often depicted. Lakshmi originates in Sanskrit and means "observing". In Hinduism, she is the goddess of prosperity, beauty and wealth and she is supposed to bring good luck. As a feminine given name it is mainly popular in India, in the US it is rather rare.

Lakshmi Related Names
Variant: Laxmi (Indian)

Lakshmi Celebrities
Lakshmi Rai - actress, Lakshmi Menon - model,

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Meaning of Lakshmi Name

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