Khadija name - Meaning of Khadija

Khadija name - Meaning of Khadija

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Lucky Number
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Khadija Meaning
Means "premature child" in Arabic. This was the name of the Prophet Muhammad 's first wife and the mother of all of his children. She was the first person to convert to Islam. Khadija originates in Arabic language and means "early child". It was the name of the first wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She was considered the "mother of the believers". As a feminine given name it is fairly popular in the Arabic world, in the United States it is an unusual name.

Khadija Related Names
Variants: Khadiga, Khatijah, Khadijah, Kadeeja, Kadija, Khadeeja, Khadeejah, Khadyja
Other Languages: Khadijeh (Iranian)

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