Kelvin name - Meaning of Kelvin

Kelvin name - Meaning of Kelvin

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 1 Meaning
Kelvin Meaning
From the name of a Scottish river, perhaps meaning "narrow water". As a title it was borne by the Irish-Scottish physicist William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907), who acquired his title from the river. Kelvin is derived from the Scottish river named "Kelvin". The name "Kelvin" itself means "narrow water". It is a locational name for people who come from near the river Kelvin.

Kelvin Celebrities
Kelvin Burgin - golfer, Kelvin Cato - basketball player, Kelvin Garmon - football player, Kelvin Moore - baseball player, Kelvin Smith - football player, Kelvin Torve - baseball player, Kelvin Upshaw - basketball player,

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Meaning of Kelvin Name

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