Jerry name - Meaning of Jerry

Jerry name - Meaning of Jerry

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
English, Germanic
Jerry Meaning
Diminutive of Jeremy, Jerome, Gerald, Geraldine, and other names beginning with the same sound. Jerry is a diminutive of Gerald, or Geraldine. Geraldine originates in Germanic languages and means "ruler with spear". It is a feminine form of Gerald. The famous bearer of this name is Geraldine Chaplin, English-American actress and the daughter of Charlie Chaplin. It is also the name of several places in the United States. As a feminine given name its usage has declined lately.

Jerry Related Names
Variants: Gerry, Jere, Jeri, Jerri, Jerrie
Feminine Forms: Geraldine, Gerry
Masculine Forms: Gerald, Gerry, Jerald, Jerold, Jerrold
Other Languages: Gerold (Ancient Germanic), Hieronymos, Hieronymus (Ancient Greek), Jeremiah, Jeremy (Biblical), Ieremias (Biblical Greek), Yirmiyahu (Biblical Hebrew), Hieremias (Biblical Latin), Jeronim, Jerko (Croatian), Gerolt, Hieronymus, Jeroen (Dutch), Jeremias, Jorma, Jarkko, Jarmo, Jere, Roni (Finnish), Gérald, Géraldine, Géraud, Jérémie, Jérôme (French), Gerald, Gerold, Hieronymus, Jeremias, Gerhold (German), Gearalt, Gearóid (Irish), Gerolamo, Geronimo, Giraldo, Girolamo (Italian), Ieronimus (Late Roman), Geraldo, Jeremias, Jerónimo (Portuguese), Jerônimo (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Geraldo, Jeremías, Jerónimo (Spanish), Gerallt (Welsh)

Jerry Celebrities
Jerry Hall - actress, Jerry Garcia - musician,

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Meaning of Jerry Name

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