Isaac name - Meaning of Isaac

Isaac name - Meaning of Isaac

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
English, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Hebrew
IE-zək (English)
Isaac Meaning
From the Hebrew name (Yitzchaq) which meant "he laughs". Isaac in the Old Testament is the son of Abraham and the father of Esau and Jacob. As recounted in Genesis, God tested Abraham's faith by ordering him to sacrifice his son, though an angel prevented the act at the last moment. As an English Christian name, Isaac was occasionally used during the Middle Ages, though it was more common among Jews. It became more widespread after the Protestant Reformation. Famous bearers include the physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and the science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992). Isaac originates in Hebrew language and means "one who brings laughter". It first appeared in the Bible and the most famous bearers until today are Sir Isaac Newton, a 17th century English mathematician and physicist, and Isaac Asimov, an American science fiction writer.

Isaac Related Names
Variants: Issac (English), Itzhak, Yitzhak (Hebrew), Isaak, Izak
Diminutives: Ike (English), Sekel (Yiddish)
Other Languages: Sahak (Armenian), Isaak (Biblical Greek), Yitzhak (Biblical Hebrew), Izaäk (Dutch), Iisakki, Iikka, Iiro (Finnish), Isaak (German), Izsák (Hungarian), Izaak (Polish), Isaak (Russian), Isak (Swedish)

Isaac Celebrities
Isaac Asimov - author, Isaac Brown - football player, Isaac Curtis - football player, Isaac Hanson - musician, Isaac Oliver - artist, Isaac Stern - musician, Isaac Newton - scientist,

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Meaning of Isaac Name

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