Gareth name - Meaning of Gareth

Gareth name - Meaning of Gareth

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Welsh, English (British) , Arthurian Romance
GAR-əth (Welsh, English)
Gareth Meaning
Meaning unknown. It first appears in this form in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur', in which Gareth was a Knight of the Round Table, the brother of Sir Gawain. Malory based the name on Gahariet, which was the name of a similar Arthurian character in French sources. It may ultimately have a Welsh origin, possibly related to gwaredd meaning "gentleness". Gareth is a very old Welsh name and its origins are not really known. It is believed that it means “gentle” and it is a variant of the name Geraint.

Gareth Related Names
Variants: Gahariet (Arthurian Romance), Garreth

Gareth Celebrities
Gareth Gates - musician, Gareth Hunt - actor, Gareth Barry - soccer player,

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Meaning of Gareth Name

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