Gaetano name - Meaning of Gaetano

Gaetano name - Meaning of Gaetano

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Italian, Latin
Gaetano Meaning
Italian form of the Latin name Caietanus, which meant "from Caieta". Caieta (now called Gaeta) was a town in ancient Italy, its name deriving either from Kaiadas, the name a Greek location where prisoners were executed, or else from Caieta, the name of the nurse of Aeneas. This was the name of a 16th-century Italian saint. Gaetano is an Italian name, derived from the Latin name "Caietanus", which means "a person from Caieta", now being called Gaeta.

Gaetano Related Names
Feminine Form: Gaetana
Other Languages: Kajetán (Czech), Gaëtan, Gaétan (French), Kayetan (German), Cajetan (History), Kajetán (Hungarian), Caietanus (Late Roman), Kajetan (Polish), Caetano (Portuguese), Kajetán (Slovak), Cayetano (Spanish)

Gaetano Celebrities
Gaetano Donizetti - composer, Gaetano Sabatini - artist,

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Meaning of Gaetano Name

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