Flavius name - Meaning of Flavius

Flavius name - Meaning of Flavius

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Ancient Roman, Latin
Flavius Meaning
Roman family name which meant "golden" or "yellow-haired" from Latin flavus "yellow, golden". Flavius was the family name of the 1st-century Roman emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. It was used as a personal name by several later emperors, notably by Constantine. Flavius originates in Latin language and means "golden-haired". As a masculine given name it is very rare in the United States.

Flavius Related Names
Feminine Form: Flavia
Other Languages: Flavio (Italian), Flávio (Portuguese), Flaviu (Romanian), Flavio (Spanish)

Flavius Celebrities
Flavius Koczi - athlete,

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