Eliezer name - Meaning of Eliezer

Eliezer name - Meaning of Eliezer

4.7/5 out of 629 votes.
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
el-ie-EE-zər (English)
Eliezer Meaning
From Hebrew ('Eli'ezer) meaning "my God is help". In the Old Testament this is the name of both a servant of Abraham and one of the sons of Moses (see Exodus 18:4 for an explanation of the significance of the name). Eliezer is a Hebrew name and means “God is my helper”. It is derived from two Hebrew words - “el” which means “God” or “all powerful” and “ezer” which means "help".

Eliezer Related Names
Variant: Lazer (Yiddish)
Other Languages: 'Eli'ezer (Biblical Hebrew)

Eliezer Celebrities
Eliezer Alfonso - baseball player,

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