Clarence name - Meaning of Clarence

Clarence name - Meaning of Clarence

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
English, Latin
KLER-ən t s, KLAR-ən t s, KLER-əns
Clarence Meaning
From the Latin title Clarensis which belonged to members of the British royal family. The title ultimately derives from the name of the town of Clare in Suffolk. As a given name it has been in use since the 19th century. Clarence is a title name and derives from the Latin term “clarensis” which meant “of Clare class”. The title was created by King Edward III and was used as a surname before being transferred for use as a first name.

Clarence Celebrities
Clarence Campbell - hockey player, Clarence Berger - baseball player, Clarence Coleman - football player, Clarence curry - football player, Clarence Dow - baseball player, Clarence Harmon - football player, Clarence Jones - baseball player, Clarence Williams - football player,

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