Ciara name - Meaning of Ciara

Ciara name - Meaning of Ciara

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Lucky Number
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KEER-a, KEE-ar-a
Ciara Meaning
Feminine form of Ciar. Saint Ciara was an Irish nun who established a monastery at Kilkeary in the 7th century. Ciara originates in Irish language and means "little dark girl". It is a feminine form of Ciar or Ciaran. Currently, Ciara is one of the most popular feminine given names in Ireland. In the United States it is more popular in its variant spelling Kira, Kyra or Keira. Ciara was the name of the 7th century abbess, Saint Ciara of Ireland. In the United States Ciara was popularized by the American musician and actress Ciara Princess Harris, nicknamed simply Ciara.

Ciara Related Names
Variants: Kiera, Kyra, Keera, Kira, Keara, Kiarra, Kierra, Keira
Masculine Forms: Ciar, Ciarán, Kieran, Kieron
Other Languages: Kira, Keara, Keira, Kiara, Kiarra, Kierra, Kyra (English)

Ciara Celebrities
Ciara - singer,

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Meaning of Ciara Name

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