Celeste name - Meaning of Celeste

Celeste name - Meaning of Celeste

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
Italian, English, Italian, Latin
che-LE-ste (Italian) , sə-LEST (English)
Celeste Meaning
Italian feminine and masculine form of Caelestis. It is also the English feminine form. Celeste is a variant of Celestine. Celestine originates in Latin language and means "sublime". It can be used as both masculine and feminine given name, but the feminine usage is more popular today. Celestine was the name of several popes, it is also the name of a city in Indiana.

Celeste Related Names
Variant:, Celest, Celesta, Celleste
Other Languages: Céleste (French), Caelestis (Late Roman)

Celeste Celebrities
Celeste - pop singer, Celeste Bradley - writer, Celeste Hamilton - writer, Celeste Holm - actress, Celeste Lear - musician, Celeste Troche - professional golfer, Celeste Zepponi - musician,

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Meaning of Celeste Name

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