Casper name - Meaning of Casper

Casper name - Meaning of Casper

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Persian
KAHS-pər (Dutch)
Casper Meaning
Dutch and Scandinavian form of Jasper. This is the name of a friendly ghost in a series of comic books. Casper is a Dutch and Scandinavian variant of Jasper. Jasper originates in Persian language and means "king of the treasure". In the Bible, he was one of the Three Kings who brought gifts to newly born Jesus.

Casper Related Names
Variants: Jasper, Kasper (Dutch), Kasper (Swedish), Kasper (Norwegian), Jesper, Kasper (Danish), Cas
Diminutive: Cas (Dutch)
Other Languages: Jasper (English), Gaspard (French), Kaspar (German), Gáspár, Gazsi (Hungarian), Gaspare, Gasparo (Italian), Gaspar, Caspar, Jasper (Judeo-Christian Legend), Kaspars (Latvian), Kasparas (Lithuanian), Kacper, Kasper (Polish), Gaspar (Portuguese), Gašper (Slovene), Gaspar (Spanish)

Casper Celebrities
Casper Wells - baseball player,

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Meaning of Casper Name

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