Brunhild name - Meaning of Brunhild

Brunhild name - Meaning of Brunhild

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
Germanic Mythology, Ancient Germanic
Brunhild Meaning
Variant of Brünhild. Brunhild originates in Germanic languages and means "like battle armor". Brunhilda of Austrasia was a Visigothic princess in the 6th century. As a feminine given name, Brunhild is very rare.

Brunhild Related Names
Variants: Brünhild (Germanic Mythology), Brunhilde, Brunihild (Ancient Germanic), Brunhilda, Brunnehild, Brunnehilda, Brunnehilde, Nilda
Other Languages: Brynhildr (Ancient Scandinavian), Brünhild, Brunhilde (German), Brunhilda (History), Brynhildur (Icelandic), Brunilda (Italian), Brynhildr (Norse Mythology), Brynhild (Norwegian), Brunilda, Nilda (Portuguese), Brunilda, Nilda (Spanish)

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Meaning of Brunhild Name

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