Bronte name - Meaning of Bronte

Bronte name - Meaning of Bronte

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
English (Rare), Gaelic, Greek
Bronte Meaning
From a surname, an Anglicized form of Irish Ó Proinntigh meaning "descendent of Proinnteach". The given name Proinnteach meant "bestower" in Gaelic. The Brontë sisters - Charlotte, Emily, and Anne - were 19th-century English novelists. Bronte originates in Gaelic languages and means "receiver". It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names, until today it is much more frequent as a surname though. The famous bearers were the Bronte sisters - Anne, Emily and Charlotte - all three of them popular English writers.

Bronte Related Names
Variant: Brontë

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