Ajax name - Meaning of Ajax

Ajax name - Meaning of Ajax

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Greek Mythology (Latinized)
AY-jaks (English)
Ajax Meaning
From the Greek name Αιας (Aias) , perhaps deriving from Greek αιαστης (aiastes) "mourner". In Greek mythology this was the name of two of the heroes who fought for the Greeks in the Trojan War, the son of Telamon and the son of Oileus. When the armour of the slain hero Achilles was not given to Ajax Telamonian, he became mad with jealousy and killed himself. The literal meaning of Ajax in Greek is "eagle", but it is assumed that the origins of the name lie with Homer"s epic, where Ajax was the second most powerful warrior in the Greek camp after Achilles. He was described of giant stature and enormously powerful.

Ajax Related Names
Variant: Aias

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