Lucky People?

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Lucky People?

Lucky People?

Lucky people: those people who seem to sail through life - whatever it brings - and receive seemingly extraordinary offers. But they haven’t had a magic bullet nor a magic wand. That doesn't even necessarily appear to be anything particularly outstanding about them.

They just seem happy and resourceful for most of the time - regardless of their circumstances. It’s ultimately your perception that makes you lucky or not.

The messages that you give yourself make the difference and you may have to change those messages. If you were to know a little bit more about those people you considered lucky, you may decide that perhaps they could be considered as very unlucky. What seems to you the ultimate reward may for them have meant the loss of something else. For example: someone running a successful business, with a fantastic income, may well have lost the love of his or her life in the process of building that business.

The difference is that people who consider themselves as lucky are running a different sort of 'spiel' in their mind.

What Lucky people do?

Lucky people have clear standards. Opportunities are all around, and seemingly unlucky people are needlessly wasting time and resources chasing them indiscriminately. Incredibly lucky people know well what they are looking for and don't lift a finger for possibilities that don't fit with their intended destiny.

Lucky people don't assume. People who assume the world is an unlucky place where the odds are stacked against them are sure to experience life that way. Incredibly lucky people start with a spirit of inquiry. They take little for granted and want to explore the possibilities even when they think they might actually have it all figured out.

Lucky people break with routine. People who walk the same path every day may take great comfort in the routine, but they will rarely see new and exciting stimulus. Incredibly lucky people change things up with great regularity.

Lucky people learn the lessons. Incredibly lucky people understand that even the worst luck can provide insight and life-lessons. Failure is sometimes the best luck of all, providing the greatest learning and strength-building experience.

Lucky people enjoy the journey. Many people waste energy and effort stressing over what has yet to happen. Met goals and achievements have their pleasant aspects, but incredibly lucky people understand that the true rewards come from the experience along the path. They enjoy the time spent with like-minded people and the fun of the actual work. The lucky are the people who derive great joy from the simple activities of every day. To them, the great accomplishments are short-lived, pleasant plateaus before the next exciting and fulfilling adventure.